Altruism Happiness - Ch12 - from Brethel-Haurwitz and Marsh (2014)esci::data_anchor_estimate_ma
Anchor Estimate ma - Ch9 - Many Labs replications of Jacowitz and Kahneman (1995)esci::data_campus_involvement
Campus Involvement - Ch11 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 11.7esci::data_chap_8_paired_ex_8.18
_Fictitious_ data from an unrealistically small HEAT study comparing scores for a single group of students before and after a workshop on climate change.esci::data_college_survey_1
College survey 1 - Ch03 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 3.3esci::data_college_survey_2
College survey 2 - Ch05 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 5.4esci::data_effronraj_fakenews
EffronRaj fakenews - Ch8 - from Effron and Raj (2020), v1.1esci::data_emotion_heartrate
Emotion heartrate - Ch8 - from Lakens (2013)esci::data_flag_priming_ma
Flag Priming ma - Ch9 - Many Labs replications of Carter et al. (2011)esci::data_gender_math_iat
Gender math IAT - Ch07 - Ithaca and SDSU replications of Nosek et al. (2002)esci::data_gender_math_iat_ma
Gender math IAT ma - Ch9 - Many Labs replications of Nosek et al. (2002)esci::data_latimier_3groups
Latimier 3Groups - Ch14 - 3 groups in Latimier et al. (2019)esci::data_latimier_prequiz
Latimier Prequiz - Ch03 - Prequiz group in Latimier et al. (2019)esci::data_latimier_quiz_prequiz
Latimier Quiz Prequiz - Ch07 - Quiz and Prequiz groups in Latimier et al. (2019)esci::data_latimier_reread
Latimier Reread - Ch03 - Reread group in Latimier et al. (2019)esci::data_latimier_reread_prequiz
Latimier Reread Prequiz - Ch07 - Reread and Prequiz groups in Latimier et al. (2019)esci::data_latimier_reread_quiz
Latimier Reread Quiz - Ch07 - Reread and Quiz groups in Latimier et al. (2019)esci::data_macnamara_r_ma
Macnamara r ma - Ch11 - from Macnamara et al. (2014)esci::data_mccabemichael_brain
McCabeMichael brain - Ch9 - from Michael et al. (2013)esci::data_mccabemichael_brain2
McCabeMichael brain2 - Ch9 - from Michael et al. (2013)esci::data_meditationbrain
MeditationBrain - Ch15 - from Holzel et al. (2011)esci::data_powerperformance_ma
PowerPerformance ma - Ch9 - from Burgmer and Englich (2012), and Cusack et al. (2015)esci::data_rattanmotivation
RattanMotivation - Ch14 - from Rattan et al. (2012)esci::data_religionsharing
ReligionSharing - Ch14 - *RETRACTED DATA* used in End-of-Chapter Exercise 14.3esci::data_religious_belief
Religious belief - Ch03 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 3.5esci::data_simmonscredibility
SimmonsCredibility - Ch14 - from Simmons and Nelson (2020)esci::data_studystrategies
StudyStrategies - Ch14 - from O'Reilly et al. (1998)esci::data_videogameaggression
VideogameAggression - Ch15 - from Hilgard (2015)