Package: esci 1.0.7

Robert Calin-Jageman

esci: Estimation Statistics with Confidence Intervals

A collection of functions and 'jamovi' module for the estimation approach to inferential statistics, the approach which emphasizes effect sizes, interval estimates, and meta-analysis. Nearly all functions are based on 'statpsych' and 'metafor'. This package is still under active development, and breaking changes are likely, especially with the plot and hypothesis test functions. Data sets are included for all examples from Cumming & Calin-Jageman (2024) <ISBN:9780367531508>.

Authors:Robert Calin-Jageman [aut, cre, cph]

esci.pdf |esci.html
esci/json (API)

# Install 'esci' in R:
install.packages('esci', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 22 2025
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Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Estimate the diamond ratio for a meta-analytic effect, a measure of heterogeneityCI_diamond_ratio
Estimate standardized mean difference (Cohen's d) for an independent groups contrastCI_smd_ind_contrast
Estimate standardized mean difference (Cohen's d1) for a single groupCI_smd_one
Altruism Happiness - Ch12 - from Brethel-Haurwitz and Marsh (2014)data_altruism_happiness
Anchor Estimate ma - Ch9 - Many Labs replications of Jacowitz and Kahneman (1995)data_anchor_estimate_ma
Basol badnews - Ch07 - from Basol et al. (2020)data_basol_badnews
Bem Psychic - Ch13 - from Bem and Honorton (1994)data_bem_psychic
BodyWellF - Ch12 - Body Satisfaction and Well-being data for females from Figure 11.24 right paneldata_bodywellf
BodyWellFM - Ch12 - Body Satisfaction and Well-being data from Figure 11.1data_bodywellfm
BodyWellM - Ch12 - Body Satisfaction and Well-being data for males from Figure 11.24 left paneldata_bodywellm
Campus Involvement - Ch11 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 11.7data_campus_involvement
_Fictitious_ data from an unrealistically small HEAT study comparing scores for a single group of students before and after a workshop on climate change.data_chap_8_paired_ex_8.18
Clean moral - Ch07 - from Schnall et al. (2008), Study 1, and Johnson et al. (2014)data_clean_moral
College survey 1 - Ch03 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 3.3data_college_survey_1
College survey 2 - Ch05 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 5.4data_college_survey_2
DamischRCJ - Ch9 - from 6 Damisch studies, and Calin-Jageman and Caldwell (2014)data_damischrcj
EffronRaj fakenews - Ch8 - from Effron and Raj (2020), v1.1data_effronraj_fakenews
Emotion heartrate - Ch8 - from Lakens (2013)data_emotion_heartrate
Exam Scores - Ch11 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 11.2data_exam_scores
Flag Priming ma - Ch9 - Many Labs replications of Carter et al. (2011)data_flag_priming_ma
Gender math IAT - Ch07 - Ithaca and SDSU replications of Nosek et al. (2002)data_gender_math_iat
Gender math IAT ma - Ch9 - Many Labs replications of Nosek et al. (2002)data_gender_math_iat_ma
Halagappa - Ch14 - from Halagappa et al. (2007)data_halagappa
Home Prices - Ch12 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 12.2data_home_prices
Kardas Expt 3 - Ch07 - from Kardas and O'Brien (2018), Experiment 3data_kardas_expt_3
Kardas Expt 4 - Ch07 - from Kardas and O'Brien (2018), Experiment 4data_kardas_expt_4
Labels flavor - Ch8 - from Floretta-Schiller et al. (2015)data_labels_flavor
Latimier 3Groups - Ch14 - 3 groups in Latimier et al. (2019)data_latimier_3groups
Latimier Prequiz - Ch03 - Prequiz group in Latimier et al. (2019)data_latimier_prequiz
Latimier Quiz - Ch03 - Quiz group in Latimier et al. (2019)data_latimier_quiz
Latimier Quiz Prequiz - Ch07 - Quiz and Prequiz groups in Latimier et al. (2019)data_latimier_quiz_prequiz
Latimier Reread - Ch03 - Reread group in Latimier et al. (2019)data_latimier_reread
Latimier Reread Prequiz - Ch07 - Reread and Prequiz groups in Latimier et al. (2019)data_latimier_reread_prequiz
Latimier Reread Quiz - Ch07 - Reread and Quiz groups in Latimier et al. (2019)data_latimier_reread_quiz
Macnamara r ma - Ch11 - from Macnamara et al. (2014)data_macnamara_r_ma
McCabeMichael brain - Ch9 - from Michael et al. (2013)data_mccabemichael_brain
McCabeMichael brain2 - Ch9 - from Michael et al. (2013)data_mccabemichael_brain2
MeditationBrain - Ch15 - from Holzel et al. (2011)data_meditationbrain
OrganicMoral - Ch14 - from Eskine (2013)data_organicmoral
% transcription scores from pen and laptop group of Meuller et al., 2014data_penlaptop1
PowerPerformance ma - Ch9 - from Burgmer and Englich (2012), and Cusack et al. (2015)data_powerperformance_ma
RattanMotivation - Ch14 - from Rattan et al. (2012)data_rattanmotivation
ReligionSharing - Ch14 - *RETRACTED DATA* used in End-of-Chapter Exercise 14.3data_religionsharing
Religious belief - Ch03 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 3.5data_religious_belief
SelfExplain - Ch15 - from McEldoon et al. (2013)data_selfexplain
SimmonsCredibility - Ch14 - from Simmons and Nelson (2020)data_simmonscredibility
Sleep Beauty - Ch11 - for End-of-Chapter Exercise 11.6data_sleep_beauty
SmithRecall - Ch15 - from Smith et al. (2016)data_smithrecall
Stickgold - Ch06 - from Stickgold et al. (2000)data_stickgold
StudyStrategies - Ch14 - from O'Reilly et al. (1998)data_studystrategies
Thomason 1 - Ch11 - from Thomason 1data_thomason_1
VideogameAggression - Ch15 - from Hilgard (2015)data_videogameaggression
Add a difference axis to the x axis of an esci forest plotesci_plot_difference_axis_x
Estimates for a continuous variable with no grouping (single-group design)estimate_magnitude
Estimates for a 2x2 between-subjects design with a continuous outcome variableestimate_mdiff_2x2_between
Estimates for a 2x2 mixed factorial design with a continuous outcome variableestimate_mdiff_2x2_mixed
Estimates for a multi-group design with a continuous outcome variableestimate_mdiff_ind_contrast
Estimates for a single-group design with a continuous outcome variable compared to a reference or population valueestimate_mdiff_one
Estimates for a repeated-measures study with two measures of a continuous variableestimate_mdiff_paired
Estimates for a two-group study with a continuous outcome variableestimate_mdiff_two
Estimates for a multi-group study with a categorical outcome variableestimate_pdiff_ind_contrast
Estimates for a single-group design with a categorical outcome variable compared to a reference or population value.estimate_pdiff_one
Estimates for a repeated-measures study with two measures of a categorical variableestimate_pdiff_paired
Estimates for a two-group study with a categorical outcome variableestimate_pdiff_two
Estimates for a categorical variable with no grouping (single-group design)estimate_proportion
Estimates the linear correlation (Pearson's r) between two continuous variablesestimate_r
Estimates the difference in correlation for a design with two groups and two continuous outcome variablesestimate_rdiff_two
Meta-analysis diamondgeom_meta_diamond_h
Correlations: Single Groupjamovicorrelation
Means and Medians: Single Groupjamovimagnitude
Means and Medians: 2x2 Factorialjamovimdiff2x2
Means and Medians: Independent Groups Contrastjamovimdiffindcontrast
Means and Medians: Pairedjamovimdiffpaired
Means and Medians: Two Groupsjamovimdifftwo
Meta-Analysis: Difference in Meansjamovimetamdiff
Meta-Analysis: Meansjamovimetamean
Meta-Analysis: Difference in Proportionsjamovimetapdiff
Meta-Analysis: Proportionsjamovimetaproportion
Meta-Analysis: Correlationsjamovimetar
Proportions: Pairedjamovipdiffpaired
Proportions: Two Groupsjamovipdifftwo
Proportions: Single Groupjamoviproportion
Correlations: Two Groupsjamovirdifftwo
Estimate any meta effect.meta_any
Estimate a meta-analytic Cohen's d1 across multiple studiesmeta_d1
Estimate meta-analytic standardized mean difference across multiple two group studies (all paired, all independent, or a mix).meta_d2
Estimate meta-analytic difference in means across multiple two-group studies.meta_mdiff_two
Estimate a meta-analytic mean across multiple single-group studies.meta_mean
Estimate meta-analytic difference in proportions over multiple studies with two independent groups and a categorical outcome variable.meta_pdiff_two
Estimate a meta-analytic proportion of outcomes over multiple studies with a categorical outcome variable.meta_proportion
Estimate meta-analytic Pearson's r across multiple studies with two continuous outcome variables.meta_r
Calculates descriptive statistics for a continuous variableoverview
Calculates descriptive statistics for a numerical variableoverview_nominal
Plot an estimated Pearson's r valueplot_correlation
Plot a histogram or dotplot of an estimated magnitude with raw dataplot_describe
Plot the interaction from a 2x2 designplot_interaction
Plot the mean or median for a continuous variableplot_magnitude
Plots for comparing continuous outcome variables between conditionsplot_mdiff
Generates a forest plot displaying results of a meta-analysisplot_meta
Plots for comparing categorical outcome variables between conditionsplot_pdiff
Plot an estimated proportionplot_proportion
Plots for comparing Pearson _r_ values between conditionsplot_rdiff
Generates a scatter plot of data for two continuous variablesplot_scatter
Print an esci_estimateprint.esci_estimate
Test a hypothesis about the strength of a Pearson's _r_ correlationtest_correlation
Test a hypothesis about a difference in a continuous outcome variable.test_mdiff
Test a hypothesis about a difference in proportiontest_pdiff
Test a hypothesis about a difference in correlation strengthtest_rdiff